
A Facebook Bridge to Storm Victims

Luke Sharrett for The New York TimesThis photograph is on the Facebook page “Pictures and Documents found after the April 27, 2011 Tornadoes.” Go to related article »
6 Q’s About the News
Use the photo and related article to answer basic news questions.
WHO created a page on Facebook that has so far reunited dozens of survivors of last week’s storms and tornadoes in the United States with their prized possessions?
WHAT are some of the things people have found and posted?
HOW is this Facebook page also “a bridge to its victims, a way to offer solace and to share in their suffering”?
HOW many people had “liked” the page by Friday evening?
HOW many photos had been posted by then?
(Visit the Facebook page yourself to discover ho many people have “liked” it by the time you read this.)
WHY did Ms. Bullion create the page?
According to this mapWHERE did tornadoes hit last week?
WHEN have you ever had a good idea for how to help a person or group of people?

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