
British royal wedding live streamed 72 million times: YouTube

SAN FRANCISCO, May 6 (Xinhua) -- The royal wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was live streamed 72 million times around the world in 188 countries and regions on April 29, YouTube said in a statement on Friday.
The online video site said the total streams on April 29 reached 101 million as global users tuned in to watch the ceremony, procession and the final balcony kiss. During the 10-second royal kiss, the YouTube channel experienced an additional 100,000 requests on top of the high load, an additional 10,000 requests per second, the company said.
YouTube said live streams were highest in Britain and the United States, and rounding out the top five countries viewing the live event online were Italy, Germany and France.
On April 8, YouTube launched live streaming service YouTube Live, including a home page where users can view live events and a live streaming platform on which partners with accounts could stream live content. For the royal wedding channel, it also has live blog commentary of the event, and users can also upload video wishes for the couple on the site.

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